Witchcrafting-Harnessing the immense power of your magick through the power of creating.

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LATIN NAME: Laurus nobilis

MAGICKAL USES: Abundance | Manifesting | Success | Wealth | Protection | Amplify 

IS IT NECESSARY: Yes! This is a great herb to use for manifestation of all kinds and has many other uses.

EASY TO FIND: Yes. You might even have some in your kitchen right now. Easy to find in grocery stores, herb shops, and online.

COST: Approximately .50¢ to $1 and ounce


GODS/GODDESSES: Apollo | Daphne | Gaia | Peneus

ELEMENTS: Fire | Air



ENERGY: Masculine | Expressive | Active

FLOWER LANGUAGE SYMBOLISM: I change but in dying

FOLKLORE & MAGICK: In Greek myth the nymph Daphne was turned into a Laurel tree to save her from Apollo. A crown of Bay Laurel signifies achievement and was used to crown heroes. It was the herb of poets and oracles and was burned when interpretating visions. In Celtic folklore it’s said to increase psychic powers and offer protection. Can bring vivid dreams and clear the mind. 

THERAPEUTIC PROPERTIES: Bay is slightly narcotic and has astringent an emetic properties. Can possibly regulate glucose levels and cholesterol levels. It’s high in antioxidants, vitamin A, C, iron, potassium, calcium, and magnesium.

MAGICKAL USES: So many! Bay is such a versatile herb to have in your magickal apothecary. It’s mostly used in abundance and manifesting spells and potions. It’s excellent for protection magick or cleansing rituals. Add to other spells to enhance and amplify. 

THERAPEUTIC USES: Make a tea of bay leaf to help stimulate the appetite. The scent of bay is calming and relaxing so add a few drops of bay essential oil to a diffuser if needed. Add a leaf when cooking stews and soups.

WARNINGS: Generally safe but avoid using in large amounts due to its sedative and narcotic properties. Avoid using with other type sedative drugs. Consult a doctor if you’re pregnant or nursing.

IDEAS FOR USING: A wreath made of bay leaves and hung on your front door will help keep out negative energies and add protection. Add ground bay leaves to salt to sprinkle around your home to cleanse your home. Use bay in money bowls and abundance spells. I love making Bay Oil to use in spells, potions, rituals, and for dressing candles. Ground bay leaves can be burned as an incense for so many uses. You can make a salve to help bruises and sore muscles. The salve can also be used for protection. 

When extracted into a tincture or glycerite:

BEST EXTRACTION RATIO: Bitters 1:6. Tincture | Glycerite 1:5


TIME TO STEEP: 5 to 7 days

FLAVOR: Moderately bitter. Warm, pungent, hints of pine, eucalyptus, and citrus. Slightly astringent. 

CHEMISTRY: Volatile oils, such as pinene, cineole, and geraniol. Fatty acids with some tannins and litter lactones.

The information provided is not intended to replace medical advice or treatment. Always consult your doctor or physician before taking any herbs or supplements. Herbs may have side effects, cause individual sensitivities or allergies, or interact with medications, and it is important to discuss these risks with your healthcare provider. Exercise caution if you are pregnant or nursing before taking any herbs or supplements.

Our website and information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Occult properties of herbs are provided for historical interest only. All magick and magickal items, recipes, and formulations are intended for curio only. No magickal effects are guaranteed.