Calling All The
Creative Witches

Witchcrafting - Become a Creative Witch and learn how to unlock your magick through the power of creation. Learn to make beautiful magickal items that will enhance your magick and boost your confidence. 

At Moon & Mage, Creation Is Magick.


Part Science | Part Witchcraft

Pure Magick

You have magick inside of you just waiting to get out. The best way to unleash your magick is through the sheer power and magick of creation.

However, most witches are flying by the seat of their broomsticks when it comes to Witchcrafting.

herbs and mushrooms in a basket for witchcraft for beginners

For some witches, that works great! A little of this, a pinch of that. But when it come to reproducing the same results or creating consistent items again and again, they get stuck and frustrated.

Or you see this great recipe for a magickal herbal infusion or a beautiful lotion. But the formula calls for a huge batches or ingredients that are not easy to find.

Maybe you’re dying to create your own magickal items such as spells, potions, tinctures, skin care and body products from scratch but have no idea where to start and feel like you lack the talent and creativity.

What you need is …

Creation is the
purest form of Magick

You have the power to create inside of you. We all do. Creation is the alchemy that fuels your magick.

You use creativity everyday whether you realize it or not. Through problem solving and thinking out side of the box. It can be dormant like your intuition. But it’s there. Hiding, waiting to be unleashed.

I’m here to teach you how to access your creative power and take it from the subconscious and bring it to your consciousness.

One of the hardest things about magick and witchcraft is that is can be hard to have faith and belief that your magick is there and working. You cast that spell and hope it works.

Creation Magick is tangible, you can touch it, see, taste it, smell it. You can bring it into the world through you imagination and intuition. It’s the perfect place to start if you’re new to witchcraft.

Even if you’ve been practicing for some time, it’s important to revisit why you became a witch in the first place. Sometimes you need to rekindle the magick.

Transforming something into something new is magickal in and of itself and there’s no better way to boost your confidence than seeing something you imagined come to life.

Are you ready to join me on this journey to Become a Creative Witch?

What you’ll find at Moon & Mage

A growing Herbal Encyclopedia and Magickal Correspondences that will allow you to create spells and potions so you can use enhance your creations with magick and intention.

Formulations and Recipes that you can use to create magickal items for personal use or to sell such as:

  • Tinctures, bitters, potions, spells, and body products, and self care items

  • And how to easily create your very own recipes, potions, and formulations from scratch

In depth overview of Ingredients and a Scientific Approach to creating magickal items and how to use them in spells, potions, skin and self care items such as:

  • Using percentages to create so you can consistently reproduce your results every time

  • A easy system that allows you to test your formulations and creations in small batches so you don’t waste products, saving you money

  • Allows you to keep track of your recipes and formulations so you can create consistent batches that you can scale up if you’d like to sell your items for extra income

How it all started

Moon & Mage has gone through a lot of iterations before it got to this point.

Initially, I wanted to create magickal items and products to sell. I had so many ideas about what I wanted to create and how to package everything with the branding I had come up with.

But who am I kidding? I have commitment issues! There was no way I was going to be able to manufacture on a regular basis and ship products. (ADHD is my superpower and my curse)

I then decided to focus on my Tarot practice and create items for myself as a hobby. I rented an office and was working on building up my clientele. However, the area I live in is very conservative so I was having a hard time getting clients. I doubled down doing events but it wasn’t working as well as I’d hoped. I moved my office to my home after my amazing husband created a room for me in our basement. I still do readings there and online.

I really love making though. Creation is in my bones. It’s like the air I breathe. I can’t live without it. I was diving deeper into learning about witchcraft and herbalism. I thought: “Why not create an online Grimoire that will help me learn and others as well?” There had to be other witches out there like me. So Moon & Mage became what it is today.

A magickal compendium and online Grimoire for creative witches.

I’m Rachael!

I remember when I was a young, about eight years old, I’d go down to my neighbors house and play with the little girl who lived there. We lived about three miles up a dirt road up on a mountain in Arkansas outside a tiny town that didn’t even have a stop light.

We’d spend the day roaming the fields and woods looking for fairies and brownies. I was young enough that I still believed in magick but old enough to begin to have doubts because of what I was told every week at Sunday school. I wanted it to be real so badly, and for a moment in my life it was. Then the adults stepped in and confirmed that magick and witchcraft will lead you down a very dangerous path. They took away the magick.

All of this was during the height of the “satanic panic” of the 1980’s. The church was still vilifying witches, witchcraft, and the occult just like hundreds of years ago during the burning times. Just like in the past, lives were ruined and destroyed through prejudice, fear, and sheer ignorance. The panic spread. I started to develop severe anxiety about the fear of dying and this created an irrational fear of thunderstorms that lasted well into my twenties until my son was born. 

Around thirteen, I was given books to read on the dangers of the occult and about the terrifying spiritual warfare that was happening for all of our souls. Yoga was bad and would make you stop breathing, the Smurfs were evil, and there were demons prowling around every corner waiting to attach themselves to me in a moment of my weakness.

My anxiety, fear, and guilt about being a sinner increased. My fear of dying skyrocketed. All magick and mystery had disappeared from my life. When I was sixteen I discovered herbs and herbalism. I was enthralled. But I failed to truly pursue it due to that fact that there was underling guilt and fear that it might be too “occult” and it would lead me to stray from god under the devils insidious influence. 

It was when my son was born that I started to question my religious upbringing. I realized that I never wanted my son to live with the fear and guilt that had plagued me since I was a small child. I decided not raise him with any religious beliefs whatsoever, so when he was old enough he could decide for himself what he believed. 

It wasn’t until my mid thrities that magick began to make a reappearance in my life. I’m not sure what compelled me, but I bought a Tarot deck. I was terrified. I’d been so brainwashed and traumatized by my religious upbringing that I was sure that I was going to catch on fire and burn in hell as soon as I opened them. Nothing bad happened. Instead I began to see the world in a new way and the universe began to show me beautiful things and sometimes impossible things.

The magick had returned.

I dove in head first and read and learned as much as I could. Paganism and witchcraft were nothing like the church had demonized. There was no satan worshiping and dancing with the devil. I had a lot a fear and anger to work through due to the lies and fear mongering. But the magick was there and it guided me though with patience and love.

I finally found myself though witchcraft, herbs, the moon, Tarot, and the sheer power of creation. I found that I was good at and loved to teach others about what I knew how to do. I found that I knew how to do a lot of things. It was pure magick.

Creation is magick. I create everyday and so can you. Welcome home.

I live in a sleepy little town in Idaho with my partner in crime who enables by obsession with collecting shiny rocks and growing magickal herbs. I’ve been an artist since I could hold a pencil and I’m a Witch, Tarot Reader, Reiki Master, Moon Magick Manifestor, candlemaker, painter, illustrator, knitter, bread baker, vintage dress maker, and avid birder. I’ve taught painting, knitting, sewing, and even skiing! Teaching and creating beautiful magickal things for myself and others is my greatest passion and magickal superpower. Oh, and I’m a serious coffee addict with a Rebel Tendency.

Welcome Witch, I’m glad you’re here!

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