Witchcrafting-Harnessing the immense power of your magick through the power of creating.

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How You Can Make a Simple Salve

I love making salves, not only for their healing properties, but for their magickal correspondences as well.

You can make a salve that’s for healing only, magickal purposes only, or both!

All you need are 3 ingredients. You can do it with 2, but I add a secret ingredient to make the salve a little more luxurious.

First you’re gonna need some oil. I love making herbal infused oils for my salves. That’s where the healing and magick come in.

Choose you herb/s for the purpose of the salve. You could make a Calendula oil for it’s wound healing abilities and it’s magickal correspondence of being uplifting.

A Lavender and Mugwort oil blend would be great for helping you get to sleep and remembering your dreams.

You’re only limited by your imagination, creativity, and intuition!

Learn how you can make a potent herbal infused oil here ➤

The great thing about how I teach you to create powerful oils, is that it doesn’t take weeks and weeks. You can have a beautiful, potent oil in two days!

The catch is that you need a scale to make proper salves and other formulations. You can get a small, inexpensive scale on Amazon. The ingredients need to be weighed to insure the proper ratios and this allows you to easily scale your recipes up and down. You’ll need a scale that goes as low as 0.00 grams. 

Alright, let’s get to it!

What you’ll need:

  • A small scale*

  • Herbal oil of your choice

  • Cetyl Alcohol (sustainably sourced)

  • Beeswax* (local if you can find it)

  • A container* These are my favorite for slaves.

  • Heat proof glass such as a pyrex measuring cup

Cetyl Alcohol is the secret ingredient in my salves. It’s not a drying alcohol, but a fatty alcohol that softens and moisturizes the skin. It also makes the salve slide over the skin with less stickiness than the beeswax alone. The beeswax only provides a protective barrier, where the cetyl alcohol softens and has moisturizing properties.

It’s inexpensive and I use it in a lot of my recipes and formulations.

You can easily double, triple, etc this recipe.

If you want to leave out the cetyl alcohol you can. Just add 4.5 more grams of beeswax to make up the difference. However, the salve will be a bit more tacky from all of the beeswax. 

Weigh out all of the ingredients and place into a heat proof glass such as a pyrex measuring cup.

Create a water bath by placing about an inch of water in a pan and turning the burner up to medium high heat.

Place the heat proof glass container in the water bath to melt the ingredients. Keep an eye on it, stirring occasionally. It will take about 10 minutes to melt all of the beeswax since it has the highest melting point of all of the ingredients. 

If you increased the recipe, it will take longer to melt.

Once the beeswax is completely melted, remove the mixture from the water bath, being careful because it’s very hot.

Carefully pour the mixture into your chosen container. Leave undisturbed to completely cool.

You now have a beautiful healing and magickal salve for yourself or to give away as gifts!

Learn how you can make a potent herbal infused oil here ➤