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Moon Mapping your moods with the Tarot

What is Moon Mapping with the Tarot?

Moon Mapping is a way of seeing patterns in your life by observing and charting the way the moon affects you on a daily basis.

The changing phases of the moon affects more than just the tidal waves of the world. While you can observe its changing shapes and illumination, the moon also shifts its energy, directly altering your mood and emotions. This can directly affect your physical health, mental health, and well being. 

The moon represents our subconscious emotions over parts of ourselves and it tugs at those parts to help you become self-aware and recognize your inner needs. 

If the moon has authority over the tidal waves and can shift their intensity and motion and 60% of the human body consists of water, the moon has the potential to change the power and action of your emotions, thoughts, and way of life. 

A daily card draw from your favorite Tarot deck adds even more layers and nuance to the patterns in your life. Keeping a daily record of the moon phases, your Tarot card of the day, moods, and motivation, will allow you to grow and make positive changes in your life.

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How To Understand The Moon

Moon mapping is one of the most excellent methods of understanding and recognizing how the moon's power during each phase manifests and affects your daily life.  

The moon cycle has nine total phases where the moon changes its shape and illumination, but most importantly, it changes the energy it radiates. 

With each new phase, we have the chance to harness the energy of said phase and use it to improve how we live our lives. 

If you’re looking to understand yourself better, become more aware of your emotions, desires, and goals, or are hoping to practice resilience and patience, then moon mapping can help you transform yourself. 

Alignment With The Moon

Self-care is always helpful for personal well-being. Adjusting your routines and emotional energy to coincide with the moon's phases can help you obtain the self care you deserve when you need it. 

Creating a habit of following rituals and focusing your practices on specific aspects of yourself during the phases can help you harness and enjoy the most of its energy. 

As you begin to chart the moon phases along with your moods and emotions, you’ll be able to better incorporate the magick and power of the moon into your craft and daily practice.

Even if you aren't interested in moon magick, understanding how the moon plays a role in your daily emotions can be extremely helpful and powerful.

Pulling a daily Tarot Card is an important part of this practice. It gives depth and meaning to each day and to the patterns that show up in your life.

Here are a few things that you can try as you begin your Moon Mapping Journey

Dark Moon Phase

Self Reflection and Shadow Work

This is the often overlooked or ignored phase of the Moon. It’s the liminal phase of the moon that happens right after the last of the Waning Moon and before the New Moon.

It’s the approximately three day period when the Moon is completely dark and not visible in the sky. This phase is often interchanged with the New Moon Phase but they are very different.

The Dark Moon phase is a powerful phase and embodies the opposite energy of the Full Moon.

It’s the phase of deep reflection, the perfect phase for shadow work, and banishing.

Sometimes you need to face our inner shadows in order to be able to know what you truly need, not just what you desire.

I’d argue that this is the most powerful and important phase of the Moon.

There are practitioners that claim that you shouldn’t perform magick or do anything but rest during this phase. I’ve never understood why you’d want to ignore such a powerful phase of the Moon just because it’s in its shadow phase.

This phase is the perfect time to journal, meditate, use divination, call upon the goddess or god to seek the guidance and self reflection needed to make the most out of the rest of the Moon Phases.

So take the time and figure out what you want from your life, whether in terms of career, opportunities, family, healing, or yourself. Reflecting on these matters will lead to your goals for the next phase. 

Questions you can ask as you pull a Tarot Card:

New Moon Phase

Set Intentions and/or Create A Vision Board

The new moon phase represents the start of a new cycle. It begins when just the tiniest, almost imperceptible sliver of Moon begins to show in the sky. Not to be confused with the Dark Moon phase.

It’s a new beginning, a chance to start fresh. You can focus on what inspires you or motivates you.

This phase is all about intention.

Start small. If this is your first foray into intention setting it can be easy to overdo it and set too ambitious intentions or goals. If you don’t meet these goals or intentions you may become discouraged or be too hard on yourself for thinking you failed.

Once you’ve recognized your needs and wants, you can start setting an intention for the goals you want to achieve during this moon cycle. Remember to ensure that your goals are achievable in the given time and will bring you fulfillment, peace, or growth.  

At Moon & Mage journaling is the preferred method of setting intentions. However, you can create a vision board for yourself, planning your actions, areas of improvement, or the changes you will have to make in your lifestyle or outlook.

Questions you can ask as you pull a Tarot Card:

Waxing Moon Phases

Work on And Check-In

This phase is the time to work on the goals or intentions that you’ve set for yourself.

Embrace your dreams and indulge in any activity that brings you closer to actualizing your dreams and aspirations. Whether it’s physical workouts, taking risks, trying something new, journaling, shadow work, or becoming more vocal about your love and desires.  

While doing so, check in with your body about how it feels and revise your goals as needed. Nothing is ever set in stone.

Ask yourself whether you’re acting on what you wanted and does it feel the way it should? 

It’s ok to reevaluate and restructure your intentions at anytime.

These check-ins with yourself and your goals will help you stick to the right path.

If there’s ever anything that you do not feel comfortable with, you can drop the objective for the time being and focus on other aspects. Put on hold whatever needs to be put on hold.

Questions you can ask as you pull a Tarot Card:

Full Moon Phase

Cleansing and letting go

When the full moon shines, it radiates most of its reflective energy.

This self-reflective power points towards what you need to release in order to move towards what you want to achieve. 

This is the time to let go of anything that no longer serves you any purpose.

Whether it’s relationships, careers, or personal habits. By doing so, you’ll be putting down a burden that was never yours to carry in the first place and moving towards things you deserve. 

The ideal way to harness the energy in this phase is to cleanse yourself, within and without.

Detox your body with good food, water, and natural ingredients. Indulge in a cleansing bath with herbs, salts, and essential oil to remove any stagnant or damaging energy from within. 

Take time to just be in the moment.

Questions you can ask as you pull a Tarot Card:

Ensure that during this phase, your body, mind, and spiritual self are aligned. This is where Moon Mapping comes in as a powerful way to be fully aligned.

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Waning Moon Phases

Rest, Recharge, Gratitude

Before the next cycle begins, rest and recharge for what is about to come.

Go over the intentions achieved and let go of all that was not accomplished.

It’s time to let release and let everything go that no longer serves you any purpose.

Use this time to indulge in self-care routines; yoga, workouts, meditation, massages, walks, or reading a book. Whatever helps you relax and prepare yourself for the upcoming cycle. 

It’s also perfectly fine to not set any intentions and goals for the next cycle. Your intention could simply to just be.

This is also an excellent time to show gratitude to yourself and the Universe for your achievements and ability to do so.

Write down what you have learned, what you plan on continuing to practice, and how you’ll continue to show yourself the love that you rightfully deserve. 

It’s ok if you didn’t achieve your goals or what you set out to do. The Moon never stops its cycle so you always can continue yours at your own pace.

Questions you can ask as you pull a Tarot Card:

How will Moon Mapping and Mindfulness affect your well being?

Pleasure, comfort, gratitude, hope, and inspiration are feelings of fulfillment that come from being in tune with yourself and your cycles.

It’s also ok to not feel ok. Sometimes we’re in cycles of pain or trauma. You need to acknowledge these parts of yourself in order to be able to start to heal and reach a place where you’re content. You don’t need to be perfect. Feeling just ok, is ok. 

Being content or just ok are perfectly reasonable goals or intentions.

Goals and intentions don’t always have to be sunshine and rainbows. You don’t need to be striving for a “high vibration” all the damn time. It’s an impossible standard that can be just as toxic as being depressed or sad all the time.

I’ll say it again, it’s ok to be just ok. You’re not failing, you’re healing. 

The idea behind moon mapping is to help you harness the energy that will help you attain well being, not perfection. The hopeful and inspiring power, self reflection, and gratitude of the moon, and the power of the Tarot can help you grow into the version of yourself that you to feel content and happy with where you are on your journey. 

Fulfillment comes from within. Through self-reflection and moon mapping you’ll be able to more easily connect with your higher self, your inner wisdom, and the innate joy of just being you in all of your greatness and glorious imperfections.


Want to start mapping your moods and how they relate to the Moon Phases?

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