Mugwort Properties, Magickal Correspondences, and Uses

LATIN NAME: Artemisia vulgaris

MAGICKAL USES: Psychic Abilities | Protection

IS IT NECESSARY: Yes! This is one of the must haves in your witch apothecary. If you could only have a few herbs, this should be one of them. It’s known as the witches’ best friend.

EASY TO FIND: It’s easy to find online and in herb shops. It’s also easy to grow.

COST: Approximately $1 - $3 an ounce


GODS/GODDESSES: Artemis | Diana


ZODIAC SIGNS: Taurus | Libra

PLANETS: Moon | Venus

ENERGY: Masculine | Active


FOLKLORE & MAGICK: Named after the goddess Artemis in Greek myth who was the patron of women in all stages of theirs lives. Know as the woman’s herb. It was also known as cronewort because it was hung on doors to signal that a healer or midwife lived there. Mugwort aligns with moon energy. Also known as one of the “flying herbs”.

THERAPEUTIC PROPERTIES: Known as a uterine stimulant and for regulating the menstrual cycle. It has anti-inflammatory properties and is known to help with anxiety and insomnia because of its sedative properties. Can help with digestion and has laxative properties. May relieve muscle aches and repel insects. 

MAGICKAL USES: It’s great for opening up psychic abilities and offering protection at the same time. Mugwort can help you receive messages during dreams and provide restful sleep. A tea of Mugwort can be used to wash and purify divination tools. Makes an excellent incense to burn for protection. 

THERAPEUTIC USES: It’s a uterine stimulant, emmenagogue (brings on your period), can help regulate the menstrual cycle, and ease cramps. Can also support the appetite and digestion. It has antiseptic, antibacterial, and antifungal qualities which makes it a good choice for soothing itchy and burning skin. It can be added to salves and lotions for rashes, poison oak or ivy, and other skin issues. Safe in small doses when taken internally but not to be taken for long periods of time.

INDICATIONS: Don’t use while pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or breastfeeding. May aggravate a ragweed allergy since it’s related.

IDEAS FOR USING: Mugwort is one of your most valuable and versatile herbs to have in your witch pantry. An oxymel mixed with Roses makes a lovely addition to rituals and magick. Mugwort and Yarrow tea can help with divination and adds protection at the same time. Burning Mugwort not only enhances your psychic abilities, but offers protection. Place under your pillow to remember you dreams. Make a salve to keep in your witchy apothecary to soothe the skin. A bitters made with Mugwort can help with digestion and menstrual issues.

When extracted into a tincture or glycerite:

BEST EXTRACTION RATIO: Best with fresh leaf. Bitters 1:6 | Tincture | Glycerite 1:5



FLAVOR: Slightly sweet, moderately bitter and pungent, notes of pine and cedar

CHEMISTRY: Triterpenes, flavonoids, volatile oils such as thujone and pinene

The information provided is not intended to replace medical advice or treatment. Always consult your doctor or physician before taking any herbs or supplements. Herbs may have side effects, cause individual sensitivities or allergies, or interact with medications, and it is important to discuss these risks with your healthcare provider. Exercise caution if you are pregnant or nursing before taking any herbs or supplements.

Our website and information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Occult properties of herbs are provided for historical interest only. All magick and magickal items, recipes, and formulations are intended for curio only. No magickal effects are guaranteed. 


